We have three models associated with our inspired listening sessions.
In 1 Timothy 5:18, St. Paul quotes the Old Testament law that “You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,” and Jesus’ teaching that “The laborer deserves his wages.” This can be interpreted as a principle that those who work, including in spiritual ministries, deserve to be compensated for their labor.
And again, in Galatians 6:6, St. Paul instructs, “Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with the one who teaches.” This suggests a responsibility on the part of those receiving spiritual instruction to provide for their teachers.
Lastly, many individuals do not mind paying for psychological services that aid in the individuals knowledge of themselves or their emotional states. We believe that our services of spiritual accompaniment are of equal or more value.
Sustaining the Director: Spiritual directors need to make a living like everyone else. The funds they receive allow them to continue offering spiritual direction in a sustainable way.
Covering Operational Costs: The funds can be used to cover the costs of running a spiritual direction practice, such as hosting and domain services, payment processors, and other administrative costs.
Continuing Education and Training: Spiritual directors often use the funds they receive to pursue further education and training. This helps them stay updated on the latest spiriptual practices and theories in spiritual direction.
Providing a Free Spiritual Direction Package: Spiritual.Chat uses the funds they receive from the Ora et Labora Package (Paid) to offer spiritual direction to those who cannot afford to pay via the Gratis Package (Free).